Domo Wiki

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

23 August 2017

18 March 2017

20 November 2010

2 February 2010

12 June 2009

30 May 2009

2 May 2009

1 May 2009

1 March 2009

25 August 2008

  • curprev 00:1100:11, 25 August 2008‎ D-day talk contribs‎ 485 bytes +485‎ New page: <noinclude>{{Martyr Arts}}</noinclude> {{Skills |name = Double-Edged Sword |desc = Hack wildly away at surrounding enemies, also causing damage to self. Reduces weapon durability by 20. |n...