Forums: Index > Wiki discussion > High level weapon upgrade
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A while ago, there was a post on the official forums that some of the higher level weapons do not show to have upgrades. Since the wiki is for the F2P one, it would be best if the information on released content were... err accurate I guess, and that players aren't confused as to why we list them. What happens in the test server stay in the test server. ;D
I just want a confirmation that upgrades for level 53 (last upgrade), 58 and 60 weapons do not show a possible upgrade in-game. --D. (talk · contr) 00:55, March 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Only the mats are shown, not the stats. →SSF (talk) 01:24, March 3, 2010 (UTC)
- IIRC nothing is shown, and you can't upgrade it.
- Since Softstar is pretty much going with the HLA scheme now, it might be more advisable to just remove the info or archive it somewhere in the unlikely case that they ever appear again. AKFrost 00:11, March 5, 2010 (UTC)