Forums: Index > DOMO discussion > How Can two people mount one lvl 61 pet?
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Hello there I recently got a lvl 61 Ruby and Some one told me it is possible for two people to ride it How do i do it? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Rshaker (talk • contribs)
- someone was lying to you. there is no way to ride two on same pet (so far atleast) - Gairo 23:56, November 28, 2009 (UTC)
But somone even showed a picture on forums for aeria here is link —Preceding unsigned comment added by Rshaker (talk • contribs)
- If you look closely, it's actually two players riding two black Rubies at the same time and timing the screenshot right so it looks like one. Notice the wings and tail. A normal ruby pet has single wing and the tail is less fluffy than the shot.[1] You can probably see this clearer in the original[2] (the ImageShack link resized it for some reason), but the see the wing looks as if it has two layers, the tail is much fluffier and if you look to the left you can see they both have the pet saddle buff on. I've seen people do that on Aeria too, it's actually pretty cute :) →SSF (talk) 07:54, November 29, 2009 (UTC)