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Forums: Index > Wiki discussion > Starred monsters

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ok, so someoe started with this.. and errm.. well as far as i know, these mobs spawn from normal mobs. kill 50ish normal (just estimation..) to spawn a 2 star mob, and after a few killed 2star mobs a 1star mob spawns. they seem to always be a few lvls higher with a little more health and a guess more atk/def.. dont know if we just should create a page to tell about this, or actually three-double all mob pages creating star-mobs pages..... -- Gairo 11:39, August 27, 2010 (UTC)

I'm thinking that a general page (or subsection of Bestiary) explaining how they work, and then add them as notes in a section of the main mob page. If I can figure out what to call the asterisk mobs, I'll put it in the Bestiary template. SSF (talk) 18:49, August 27, 2010 (UTC)
ye, i have no clue about what to call them, and im still not sure exactly how their spawn work, nor how the lvl/hp/atk/def differs. and seeing as my english isnt that great, i'll leave the naming to u D: but yep, a general page about them is the best. and most ppls should get to know about them pretty early after leaving newbie area anyway, so its probably more of a surprise for the already high lvl ppls who might meet them their first time at grizzly bears or something.. xD -- Gairo 19:20, August 27, 2010 (UTC)

First time posting so hope I do it right.

As for a name, how about Generals, Elites, or something on those lines?

PS, the Menacing Minotaur Soldiers don't follow the higher HP rule: **Minos have 22k and *Mino has 25k, while the normal mob has 35k. Seems like the wikia will need long grinding and research to be complete in this category.Deruvia 05:49, September 5, 2010 (UTC)

yes, its right that the mobs have different attributes. some of the star mobs have more hp than their normal version, and some have less. my guess is that the ones with lower health instead have increased def and atk.. -- Gairo 09:57, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
I like your suggestion Deruvia. As for creating new pages or not, I'd go with completely new ones. --D. (talk · contr) 14:32, September 5, 2010 (UTC)