Guild Girl is a Merchant NPC.
The Guild Girl is used to unlock Guild Facilities, which include decorations, Merchant NPCs, portals, and quests. Material donations are required to unlock each facility, as well as a minimum guild level. Each facility costs material points and money from guild funds. To gain material points, refined collection items must be contributed to her. Authority settings can be changed to who can use the Guild Girl to purchase the facilities.
Guild Facilities[]
Guild Level Req. | Option | Mat Points/Funds |
1 | Guild Merchant I | All collection mats 100, Funds 100k |
3 | Decoration: Bird Pillar | Forestry 500, Farming 500, Funds 100k |
3 | Guild Quest I: Ritual | Forestry 1500, Farming 1500, Funds 200k |
4 | Decoration: Turtle | Fishing 500, Mining 1k, Funds 100k |
4 | Decoration: Pig | Mining 1k, Herding 500, Funds 100k |
4 | Decoration: Elephant | Farming 500, Mining 1k, Funds 100k |
6 | Decoration: Drum | Forestry 1.5k, Herding 1k, Funds 100k |
7 | Decoration: Pi-pa | Herding 1.5k, Meditation 1k, Funds 100k |
7 | Decoration: Twin Crane Clock | Herding 1k, Meditation 1.5k, Funds 100k |
8 | Guild Merchant II | All collection mats 300, Funds 50k |
10 | Cottage Room I | Forestry and Mining 5k, others are 1k, Funds 300k |
15 | Guild Merchant III | All collection mats 500, Funds 100k |
20 | Cottage Room II | Forestry and Mining 10k, others are 2k, Funds 500k |
22 | Teleport Fairy | All collection mats 5000, Funds 1m |
Material Point Value[]
Mat Level | Normal | Excel |
1 | 1 | 2 |
2 | 2 | 4 |
3 | 4 | 8 |
4 | 8 | 16 |
5 | 12 | 24 |
6 | 18 | 36 |
7 | 27 | 54 |