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Domo Wiki

Magic Attack, or M.ATK, is the offensive stat used for magic attacks. Your current magic attack can be checked by going into the status window (Ctrl + A). Your base magic attack can be increased by spending points in the Wisdom or Dexterity stats. Certain onyxes can increase magic attack. The only means of getting base magic attack on armor is with upgraded Robe shoes and gloves, but upgraded shoes, gloves, and weapons of any kind can gain magic attack as a mod stat. Magic attack can be improved further by Gold statting your weapon.

Magic Damage Formula[]

For a more in-depth look on damage calculation, see Damage.

Magic Attack and Magic Defense are used only in Wand auto attacks:


...and magical skills:

SKILL BASE × min(6.25, M.ATKM.DEF) / 6.25 ⋯

Skill base refers to the base damage of the skill, which can be found either on the skill's page on the wiki or other sites. First you take your own magic attack and divide it by the target's magic defense. Then you multiply the solution by the skill's base damage then divide it by 6.25. If the solution exceeds 6.25, it will go down to 6.25. The result is the initial damage the skill will do before any other damage modifiers are included.

Do note that this formula is not 100% guaranteed, as the actual damage values can vary (otherwise known as damage rolls).

Abilities that increase Magic Attack are:





Abilities that reduce Magic Attack are:



Items that increase Magic Attack are:

*Only one of these marked skills can be active at a time. Toughen Magic and Offensive Aura CAN stack together, though.