- Speak to Old Man Shaun at X:599 Y:283 in Placid Plain between 01:00-05:00 or 13:00-17:00 in-game time. Old Man Shaun does not appear during other hours.
- He will ask you to find his dog Larry and give you a whistle to call him. The whistle has a 24 hour (real time) limit until expiration. You need the following items to act as bait for the dog:
- When you have these items, visit the statues in front of each of the Towers of the Four Spirits in Placid Plain. At the towers, there will be a shadow on the ground in front of the statue. Click it to start the fights.
- FIGHT: At the first three towers (North, West, East) you will be unsuccessful at your attempts to find Larry and will attract the attention of 3 Byway Bow-Wows (level 20 non-elemental Commoners) that you must defeat within 20 minutes. You'll receive 5600 experience points at each tower.
- FIGHT: When you start the quest at the Southern Tower, you'll see a cut-scene. You then have 20 minutes to defeat the Dreamdasher (level 25, Water, Martial Artist, 84,149 HP). Receive a Rib of Ruin and 11200 experience points.
- Return to Old Man Shaun during the hours he is available. You need to bury the Rib of Ruin at the Southern Tower but you must have a Slow Hoe on hand (closest place is the Farming Merchant at X:197 Y:487 who will sell one for 200g). Return to X:393 Y:621 to dig.
- After the cut-scene, you will receive your rewards.
- 1200 gold
- 1 Green Dog Dice Chest
- 26250 experience points